Friday, March 8, 2013

To be continued...

Okay I've always wanted to write this down somewhere and I never have yet... SO I might as well do it here.

My Bucket List

 -Go skydiving (because lets be original..)
-Eat unique food
`Go to an aquarium 
-Go to Italy
-Go to France
-Go to Germany (Auschwitz to be specific)
-Work somewhere thats not fast food
-Have a baby girl
-Go to Cedar Point
-Go on a vacation with my best friend
XX-Go to the circus
-Learn to not hate food
XX-Get roses from a boy
-Get a promise ring from a boy
-Get married
XX-Dye my hair crazy colors
-Get a tattoo
-See Banksy's work in real life
-Go scuba diving
-Kiss someone on the top of a farris wheel
-Play messy twister
-Watch all of Johnny Depp's movies
-Live somewhere warm, like California or Florida
-Go skinny dipping
XX-Go on a road trip with my best friends
-Find my dream job
-Splatter colorful paint all over my walls
-Watch the new years ball drop in New York
-Go to New York
XX-Go to Hawaii
-Have a secret room in my house
-Go surfing (learn how to go surfing)
-Make a scrapbook
-Party on a yacht
-Stop over analyzing everything
-Be a cheerleader for a day
-Get a real letter in the mail
-Get a massage
-Go to an airport and get a ticket for the next flight out
-Free my heart from hatred
-Go to a Tickle Me Pink concert
-Meet the band members of Tickle Me Pink
-Carve our initials in a tree
XX-Lay on the road in the middle of the night 
-Swim with dolphins
XX-Go to a drive-in movie
-Go on a cruise
-Visit the Carribean (act like pirates?)
-Help him open his own restaurant 
-Buy the person behind me's food
-Give a homeless man a lot of money/food
-Maybe find religion? Or at least peace
-Type a love letter on a type writter
-Pay for my parents to go on vacation
-Go to the superbowl
-Go clubbing
-Celebrate in Vegas
-Have a 50th wedding anniversary
-Watch every Disney movie
-Say yes to everything for a day
-Be an awesome parent
-Go to the Buckingham Palace
XX-Be someones reason for smiling
-Go a week without electronics
-Exercise for a month straight (at least)
-See the Golden Gate Bridge (walk across it)
-Smash a pie in someone;s face
-See the Great Pyramids of Giza
-Go to the Grand Canyon
-Fly in a helicopter
-Fly in a personal plane/jet
-Ride an elephant
-See the Eiffel Tower
-Have a party like in Project X (at least go to one)
-Make myself have more fun in life
-Pet a seal
-Visit all 50 states
-Go see the worlds biggest ball of yarn
-Be a preschool teacher (or volunteer at a preschool)
-Take a zumba class
-Quit drinking soda (I can wait for this one :P)
-Try new foods
-Stop hating food
XX-Sleep on the tramp
-Leave a really big tip when I go out to eat
XX-Run a 5k
-Go shopping and not care how much I spend
-Stay at a really nice hotel in Vegas
-Go to outerspace
-Do those test drills at NASA
-Climb a water tower
-Have really white teeth
XX-Go to bed and wake up to him
-Take poloroid pictures with the guy I like
-Have a flour fight (and any other food item on the counter)
-Leave this town
-Move out
-Live somewhere that doesn't have a predominant religion
-Live somewhere where people don't question mu beliefs and lack of them
-Be good at something artistic I do
-Save up $10,000
XX-Learn another language
-Own a mustang
-Own a Ford '69 Ranger
-Take his last name as my own
-Stay at a bed and breakfast
-Toilet Paper someones house
-Do something illegal, and get away with it
-Graffiti something
-Make a harlem shake video
-Have a house with a dance studio in it
-Never stop dancing
-Try vodka gummy bears
-Drink alcohol
XX-Do a backflip
-Graduate Highschool
-Finish an online class
-Go tanning at a tanning salon
-Get the perfect tan from the sun
XX-Get acrylic nails
-Have gorgeous hair
-Wear a bikini on the beach
-Go shopping in California
-Go shopping in New York
XX-Have a silly string fight
-Have a six pack (or really good abs)
-Not care about my weight
-Have a wedding reception in a barn
-Wear cowboy boots under my wedding dress
XX-Watch a volcano erupt
-Be really good at glowsticking
XX-Get hair extensions
-Go to Warped Tour
-Create something I've pinned on pinterest
-Explore a shipwreck
XX-Collect glass bottles
XX-Get really nice, expensive perfume
-Get my belly button pierced
-Get double piercings in my earlobes
-Get a cartlige piercing at the top of my ear
-Play hide an seek ain Ikea
XX-Act like I'm married in the Ikea showrooms
XX-Have a New Years kiss
-Write a letter to myself and open it in 10 years
-Have a mud fight
-Go on a moonlit walk with someone
XX-Sneak out 
-Go to a ball
XX-Volunteer at a soup kitchen
XX-Go to a different religion's church
-See the Northern Lights

-To be continued...

P.S. here are a few of my favorite quotes about life.


  1. My bucket list
    1. to catch fireflies
    2. swim with manatees
    3. to live in McCall Idaho
    4. help my parents recreate the moment they met
    5. hike Timp

    1. I hiked timp last summer and it's definitely worth it! Dress warm and go before sunrise. If not be sure to wear sunscreen because you'll get burned being so close and in the sun all day. I highly recommend going. It's a long journey, but the reward is beyond amazing. Not to mention the bragging rights!!

  2. Go a week without electronics?? I couldn't.
